Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year, New Adventure!

The new year has brought many new asperations, and since the top of the list was a new job, and that has been found, its time to move on to other things!
New on the top of the list is to get serious about training! I have 4 dogs I need to finish Championships on, and 3 that I would like to put an obedience or rally title on by the end of 2009.

Let me introduce them:

Maui - 6 year old spayed Pointer bitch. Very very very soft, and shuts down on you quickly. EXCELLENT showdog(finished champion), and currently being used in Juniors by a very talented young lady. Would like to at least get a rally title on her.

Tony - 18 month old Pointer dog. Just plain crazy. Really smart, but I havent taken the time to focus him on anything, so he is aimless and wild right now. Obedience here we come!

Louie- 4 month old Pointer dog. Just a baby. Needs manners. Will finish CH before we get serious on obedience beyond the basics.

Prada - 4 month old Pointer bitch. Louies sister. Just a baby, needs manners and confidence. I may do obedience and agility with her first just to get her more sure of herself before we hit the show rings.

And the Pointer-wanna-be: Pyro - 10 month old Doberman dog. Knows the basics, needs to be tuned. Turning into a huge butthead, and needs to be given a job to do so he doesnt get out of control. He will be shown selectivly this year, and hopefully I can focus him back in and work on titling him in obedience/rally.

I have never titled a dog in Obedience, or rally. I have never really been able to take the time to do the training! With 5 dogs in the house, I've realized things are a little out of control! But, I also work full time, I go to school full time, and I have a million other things to take care of every day. I've always been a Conformation-only person, but have realized its high time I make my dogs work a little harder for their livings! LOL. I'd love to get into agility and tracking as well, but for now, I think obedience will be a big enough undertaking for me! I may try the puppies in the field later this year, and see what they think of birds, but, they have to know how to listen first!

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