Saturday, January 10, 2009

Peace and Quiet, kind of!

Brian left yesterday for a month of things will be quiet around here for alittle bit! YAY! LOL. I'm always amazed at how much more I get accomplished when he leaves!

Anyways, the updates:

I decided I should focus my clicker-efforts on just one dog for now, since I'm not the most coordinated person in the world, and I get frustrated quickly and dont want to just give up completly. Since Pyro has the most training of everyone, and the bigger brain of the 5 (:)) I decided that he will be my guinea pig! The rest I'm just gonna do the "old fashioned" way, with lots of cookies and praise. Seems to work well with Pointers anyways.

So, Pyro has been doing well. We have been working on "remembering" how to "Sit" on command. As well as "Stand", "Hold", "Release", and "Wait". Seems like a lot, but he already "knows" them all, just doesnt want to think he does! LOL. He has completly forgotten how to "Down", but I have also gotten the impression that it is because he thinks he is a big boy now, and that he doesnt have to lay down when I tell him to. Hes beginning a power struggle with me as well, which is one of the biggest reasons I have started the "training crackdown" on him. He is too big and too strong for me to push around anymore, so I really need him to listen at all times. He is a *really big* boy!

We are going to a conformation fun match next weekend, and I'm planning on taking Pyro and the two puppies (Louie and Prada) and I expect that Pyro will listen to me, that Louie and Prada will get exposure, and hopefully Prada will get a little bit of confidence out of it. I am going to see if I can get someone else to handle Prada for me, so that she gets handled by other people and exposed to different things. The more she realizes good things can come from different people and places, the more confidence she will get. Pyro...I just want him to come away having put in a good performance. If he listens to me in and out of the ring, and isnt a butthead, then we will have won no matter what.

Will try to update again at the beginning of next week...

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